Raising spark (my own superhero)

                            How it began!

One day I was playing Minecraft in my room and just then the fairies appeared and told that Notch needed my help, I had to urgently help him as many people int he real world can die if I don’t help and also I can use my superhero suit in this one and just then Notch the creator of Minecraft came and told me that herobrine (notch’s brother) tried to kill any player who played Minecraft and blow there device in which they were playing Minecraft so that they die by that explosion ,Notch  gave me a photo of Herobrine and he had no eyes (so creepy), just in a few minutes they were in his Aditya’s computer.

        let’s go to the neither!

‘OK where will we find this “herobrine” ‘ I asked Notch  ‘in the nether, of course, it’s his own kingdom he created it’ answered Notch ‘so lets go to the neither’ ‘alright’ I said ‘but how do we exactly get there’ I asked ‘well we have to build a portal, a nether portal’ Notch answered ‘OK let’s make it than water are the materials’ Max asked ‘the materials are 14 obsidian and one flint and steel’ he told as he built the portal in a flash.

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      Herobrine! come out       

‘let’s go inside’ I  cried and omg this is so big.

‘Welcome to the portal hallway’

Image result for portal hallway

wooooosh I  heard a voice around the corner that went inside a portal to mystery to which I  thought that my and notch’s access was denied, but we went and herobrine was in front of our eyes.

                lets fight

‘let’s go herobrine, lets fight, fight me’ I  cried

‘ok then lets fight’ He cried as he charged before me.


he was about to throw me in to lava but before he did so he told ‘how could you even think of defeating me my powers are so much more than you, I am a god and you a just a small spark made of lightning’ he told as he started submerging me in the lava but I jumped on top of him and went behind him “my powers might not be as strong as yours but you got one thing wrong” I continued “I’m not made of lightning, I am lightning!” I cried as lightning went down my hands and my legs, alas I had found my true potential! I kicked herobrine and he went flying and then I cut his head of with my lightning sword.

my lightning sword

Image result for lightning sword

after that a dark abyss opened and herobrine’s head fell inside it.

and a voice from inside yelled ‘I will be back’

Image result for herobrines head cutoff

I  was wondering where Notch went and to my surprise he opened a portal to get me out

of Minecraft and told that I  will call you when I  need you, and just then the fairies appeared and told “well done Aditya you have found your true potential now you may use your suit whenever you want and we will call you later’ they told as I found myself back in my house.

        The end (maybe not )

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